Course curriculum

    1. Finding Your Match: An Overview of the Course Content, Requirements, and Expectations for Successful Completion

    1. Using Your Learning Patterns to Identify a Career Path to Sustainable Employment

    2. Consider the Role Your Learning Patterns Played in Your Previous Employment

    3. Reflecting on the Role Your Learning Patterns Played in Your Previous Employment

    4. Refining Your Career Choices

    5. What Role Should Your Learning Patterns Play When Choosing a Career?

    6. Using the Personal Learning Coach to Decode Potential Careers: Identifying the Match Between Your Learning Patterns and Your Career Choice

    7. Finding Your Match: Identifying the Career that Suits You Best

    1. Check for Understanding: Using the Personal Learning Coach to Identify a Career that Matches Your Learning Patterns

About this course

  • $29.95
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content